the Center of Interdisciplinary Biosciences,Technology and Innovation Park, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice (CIB UPJS), Slovak Republic

the Center of Interdisciplinary Biosciences,Technology and Innovation Park, Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice (CIB UPJS), Slovak Republic


Heritage Management Organization (Heritage)

Heritage Management Organization (Heritage)


Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University

Research Institute of Cultural Properties, Teikyo University


Yildiz Sarayi Vakfi

Yildiz Sarayi Vakfi


Pavlodar Pedagogical University

Pavlodar Pedagogical University


Karshi State University

Karshi State University


Koosen College of Technology

Koosen College of Technology


Kazakhstan National Geographic Society

Kazakhstan National Geographic Society "QazaqGeography"


Center for the Promotion of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan

Center for the Promotion of Culture and Art of Uzbekistan "Living Legacy"



