30th Anniversary of the UNESCO’ “Memory of the World” Programme

30th Anniversary of the UNESCO’ “Memory of the World” Programme

30th Anniversary of the UNESCO’ “Memory of the World” Programme

22/11 2022


UNESCO celebrates 30th anniversary of the of the “Memory of the World” Programme by organizing cycle of diverse events in partnership with stakeholders from the beginning of 2022. These events discussed key issues in the preservation of documentary heritage, including: (1) identification of documentary heritage, including those included in national, regional and international registries; (2) promoting inclusiveness through the preservation of the documentary heritage of indigenous peoples; (3) promoting gender equality in access to and use of documentary heritage in archives, libraries, museums, etc.; (4) celebrating national documents of world significance that have had a phenomenal impact on a community, culture, country, or humanity as a whole; (5) using the educational value of documentary heritage to enrich existing curricula with underused primary sources; (6) use of documentary heritage for contemporary coverage of sustainable development issues; (7) highlighting best practices for the preservation of documentary heritage at risk. According to its field of competence, IICAS established collaboration framework entitled as “Silk Roads Memory of the World” with ICDH (International Centre for Documentary Heritage under the auspices of UNESCO) in July 2022. During several months scholars from various countries carried out desk and field studies on inventory of the Sogdian writings founded in the territory of the Central Asian countries. Outcomes of the research activities will be presented during Regional Seminar on Strategy of Multinational Nomination of the Sogdian Writings to the International /Regional Register of the “Memory of the World”. Seminar, which will held in hybrid format on 24 November 2022, will provide platform for elaboration of concept and “road map” for preparation of the multinational nomination. Seminar will be attended by scholars, librarians, archivists, museum professionals from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. Based on the outcomes of the seminar it is also planned to publish catalogue of Sogdian writings in Central Asia by the end of 2022 with support of the ACC-MOWCAP (Asia Culture Centre - Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific) grants programme.
