1050th anniversary of Abu Rayhan Beruni

1050th anniversary of Abu Rayhan Beruni

1050th anniversary of Abu Rayhan Beruni

05/09 2023


The exhibition titled “Abu Rayhan Beruni: Geographical and Intellectual Journeys” is taking place at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris from 4th to 8th of September 2023. The exhibition has been organized by the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan within framework of the celebration of 1050th anniversary of Abu Rayhan Beruni, distinguished medieval scholar and thinker. Following manuscripts copies of Abu Rayhan Beruni preserved in the National Library of France are demonstrated in the exhibition: “Al-Qanun al-Mas’udi”, “Elements of Astrology”, “The Book on India” and “Chronology of Ancient Nations”. Visual multimedia installations provides information on development and great achievements of mediaeval science though scientific legacy of Abu Rayhan Beruni. It is important to outline that Abu Rayhan Beruni, while working at the Khorezm’s Mamun Academy, achieved outstanding results in various field of natural and social sciences, including astronomy, mathematics, medicine, chemistry, physics, geography, mineralogy, history and philosophy. UNESCO was associated with celebration of the 1000th anniversary of the Khorezm’s Mamun Academy in 2005. International Institute for Central Asian Studies provided support in publication of facsimile copies of the manuscripts of prominent medieval scholars and thinkers, preserved in the Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan. The collection of manuscripts of the Beruni Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan was inscribed to the UNESCO’s “Memory of the World” International Register in 1997. 
