A series of seminars for national Uzbek experts

A series of seminars for national Uzbek experts

A series of seminars for national Uzbek experts

15/09 2023


On August 28-30, as part of the preparation of the nomination dossier for the serial transnational nomination "Silk Road: Fergana-Syrdarya Corridor", implemented with comprehensive support and funding from the National Commission of the Republic of Uzbekistan for UNESCO, the IICAS staff held a series of seminars for national Uzbek experts. The series of seminars were preceded by online lectures. The lectures were conducted by IICAS representatives Dr. Dmitry Voyakin, Dr. Ona Vileikis and Nargiz Aituganova and were dedicated to the principals of the UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the World Natural and Cultural Heritage (1972) and the principles of nominating cultural heritage sites for the inclusion in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The participants also familiarised themselves with the main stages of conducting assessments of impacts on heritage in the context of World Heritage sites, as well as with the details of the "Silk Road" transnational serial nomination.

The seminars were dedicated to the research and documentation of historical and cultural heritage monuments within the framework of the nomination process.

On the first day, the participants were given a theoretical course on the available methods and technologies of modern documentation, taking into account specifics, for producing nomination dossiers. On day one, the participants also practised in various documentation methods, which included both the recording of individual finds and artifacts and the photographing of the facades of architectural objects for photogrammetry and making dimensional drawings. During the seminar, the participants also went through all stages in the processing of collected data using the Agisoft Photoscan software, starting from data collection and cataloguing through to the final data output in raster, vector and 3D formats.

On the second day, the participants were given a theoretical and practical course on collecting and processing data from UAVs. During the practical part, the participants practised in processing data from UAVs to obtain a digital model of a territory for macro and microtopography, outputting orthophotoplanes with geotagging in a universal transverse Mercator projection.

On day three, the participants had a theoretical and practical course on working in geoinformation systems based on the ArcGIS software. During the course, the participants trained to use digital terrain models and orthophotomosaics to make up topography and other cartographic materials necessary for a nomination dossier. The trainees completed and mastered all stages in the mapping process, from creating a database and using various classes of spatial objects to calculating and analyzing data properties, as well as designing ready-made maps and exporting them in required formats.

Based on the results of the training, the participants were awarded certificates.
